Best Apps 2016 Apps

New Year Fireworks free 2016 1.1
2016 New Year Fireworks free wallpaper mergebetween happy new year and motivational quote wallpaper, New Yearis the time which brings you the starting of a new era. Wish HappyNew Year to your friends and relatives with innovative ways makingHappy* Best collection of Happy New Year 2016 and quotes and ColorfulFireworksBackgrounds, With beautiful and lovely graphics.* User can easily share and set wallpaper.Please give rate, comment and encourage us, we will upload morefree application and games...2016 New Year Fireworksmerge entre free wallpaper happy new year and motivational quotewallpaper, New Year is the time qui Brings you the starting of anew era. Wish Happy New Year to your friends and with innovativeways for making Happy* Best collection of Happy New Year 2016 and quotes and ColorfulFireworks Backgrounds, With beautiful graphics and lovely.* User can Easily share and set wallpaper.Please give rate, comment and encourage us, We Will upload morefree app and games ...
Motivational Quote Wallpaper 1.1
With Motivational Quote Wallpaper Customizeyour home screen with the magnificent selection of Wallpapers andmake more interesting Android device.If you looking for way to get inspired and motivated in your lifethis free and daily quotes wallpapers app, we can assure you thatit will make you feel amazing always and achieve you goal.You can share the free quote wallpapers via email, Facebook,WhatsApp, BeeTalk, WeChat, Instagram, Twitter, MMS and other SocialNetwork.
الترجمة الفورية لجميع اللغات 1.0
تطبيق قاموس الترجمة الفورية لجميع اللغاتلترجمة النصوص والكلمات لجميع لغات العالم. تطبيق يمكن المستخدمالعادي او المحترف من ترجمة النصوص لجميع اللغات و بطريقة سريعةومبسطة.تطبيق الترجمة الفورية السريعة لترجمة الكلمات والجمل والعبارات لجميعاللغات مع النطق مثل ترجمة من العربية إلى الإنجليزية او ترجمة منالعربية الى الفرنسية او ترجمة من العربية إلى الاسبانية او ترجمة منالعربية إلى الالمانية ......*** مميزات التطبيق• الترجمة بواسطة الصوت وخاصية النطق وسماع الكلام المترجمصوتيا• معجم وقاموس لكل اللغات العالمية• تصميم بسيط بألوان واضحة تسهل على المستخدم ترجمة النصوص• ميزة النسخ في الحافظة واستعمال النص المترجم عن طريق النسخواللصق• يمكن بواسطة التطبيق تسجيل الترجمات في الأرشيف والوصوص اليها في ايوقت• الترجمة من و الى للغات التالية : الإنجليزية ،الألبانية ،العربية،اليابانية، الصينية المبسطة، الأذربيجانية، البيلاروسية، البلغارية،الكتلانية، الصينية التقليدية، الكرواتية، التشيكية، الدنماركية،الهولندية، الفنلندية، الفرنسية، الألمانية، اليونانية، الهندية،المجرية، الآيسلندية، الإندونيسية، الأيرلندية، الإيطالية، الكورية،لاتفيا، النرويجية، الفارسية، البولندية، البرتغالية، الرومانية،الروسية، الصربية، السلوفاكية، الإسبانية، السويدية، التايلاندية،التركية، الفيتنامية.Application Dictionaryinterpretation for all languages ​​to translate texts and words forall the languages ​​of the world. The application of a normal useror a professional translation of texts for all languages ​​and aquick and simplified manner.The application of rapid simultaneous translation to translatewords and sentences and phrases for all languages ​​withpronunciation like translation from Arabic to English or translatedfrom Arabic to French or translated from Arabic into Spanish ortranslation from Arabic into German ......*** Application Features• translator by voice and property pronunciation and hear audioTalking Translator• glossary and dictionary for each international languages• Simple design and clear colors make it easier for the usertranslation texts• copy feature in the portfolio and the use of the translated textby copying and pasting• by the application can record and archive Translations in Alousosit at any time• translation from and into the following languages: English,Albanian, Arabic, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Azerbaijani,Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Traditional, Croatian,Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi,Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Korean, Latvian,Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian,Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese.
Sun Rise new year wallpaper 1.1
Sun Rise new year wallpaper allows you to goon romantic walks along the beach from the ocean and feel thegentle caress sunlight your face no matter where you are. It mixesbetween Rise and shine to a beautiful morning and 2016 new yearfireworks hd wallpaper for free.* Best collection of sun rise Backgrounds.* User can easily share and set wallpaper.Please give rate,comment and encourage us, we will upload more freeapplication and games...
تغيير الصوت عند المحادثة 1.0
تطبيق تغيير الصوت عند المحادثة بدون أنترنيتالعديد من المؤثرات الصوتية المضحكة والجميلة لتغيير صوتك!تستطيع منخلال تطبيق مغير الصوت تغيير صوتك الى العديد من الأصوت.سيغنيك عن جميع برامج تعديل الصوت هو تطبيق يمكنك من تحويل صوتك إلىعدة أصوات مختلفة ومضحكة, التطبيق سهل الاستخدام و غير معقد طريقةالعمل في خطوتين فقط .و من خلال المميزات التي يعرضها لك برنامج تغييرالصوت عند المحادثةمن مزايا التطبيق:-اختيار من العديد من الؤثرات الصوتية- سهولة الاستخدام فقط اضغط على صورة الميكرفون وابدأ تسجيلصوتك-اختيار من العديد من الخلفيات الصوتيةبرنامج تغيير الصوت للاندرويد ومفيدة لكم مجاناThe application of soundchange when the conversation without access to the Internet many ofthe sound effects ridiculous and beautiful to change your voice!You through the application of AV Voice Changer change your voiceto many Alosot. Sagnek all sound adjustment programs is the applicationenables you to convert your voice to several different and funnyvoices, the application is easy to use and uncomplicated way ofworking in two steps. And only through the features offered by youto change the sound when the conversation programApplication of advantages:-achtaar Of several audio Alatherat- Easy to use just click on the picture of the microphone and startrecording your voice-achtaar Of several audio backgroundsChange the sound of the Android software and useful to you forfree
ناطق اسم المتصل عندما الاتصال 1.0
تطبيق ناطق اسم المتصل عندما الاتصال يقوم بنطقاسم المتصل بالعربية او بالفرنسية أو أي لغة أخرى حسب اختيارك فيالإعدادات. يوفر معرفة اسم المتصل وسماع هاتفك ينطق باسم المتصل بدونالحاجه للنظر الي هاتف الاندرويدخصائص تطبيق نطق اسم المتصل :-التحكم في مستوي صوت النطق .-امكانية نطق الرسائل وقرائتها .-نطق اسم المتصل بوضوح .-التحكم في سرعة نطق اسم المتصل .-يعمل في الخلفية .-عربي بالكامل وسهل الاستخدام .طريقة التشغيل : إضغط فقط على زر التشغيل واتركه يعمل .قم بتحميل تطبيق ناطق اسم المتصل عند الاتصال وإستمتع جودته الرائعة.لا تنسي تقييم التطبيقApplication spokesmancaller name when contact by saying the caller's name in Arabic orFrench or any other language of your choice in the settings. Itprovides knowledge of the caller's name and hear your phone utterthe name of the caller without the need to look at the phoneAlandroedSay caller's name application characteristics:-Controlling In volume pronunciation.-amkanah Pronunciation of letters and read them.-ntq Name of the caller clearly.-Controlling In speed caller's name.-aaml In the background.-arabiy Fully and easy to use.Operating method: Simply press the play button and leave itworks.Download the application spokesman for the caller's name when youconnect and enjoy the wonderful quality.Do not forget to assess the application
Écrire sur les Photo 1.0
Écrire sur les Photo est le nouveau super appédition de photos spécialement conçu pour tous les amateurs dephotographie pour tous les fans de photo logiciels retouche photo,décorateurs d'image ou des applications pour ajouter texte sur lesphotos! Un retouche photo étonnante avec des polices est là pourvous offrir une occasion unique d'écrire sur des photos de vosmoments précieux et les décorer.Écrire sur les Photos est une application simple qui vous permetd'ajouter du texte des cadres aux images pour Encadrez vossouvenirs de la vie avec de belles lignes! Vous pouvez écrire des citations sur les photosModifier les photos que vous avez déjà dans votre galerie detéléphone ou moue et dit 'laissez-moi prendre un Selfie! .Partagez vos images drôles sur Facebook, Twitter, ouInstagram! Write about the photo isthe new super photo editing app designed for all photographyenthusiasts for all fans photo photo editing software, image orapplication designers to add text on photos! An amazing photoediting with fonts is here to offer you a unique opportunity towrite about pictures of your precious moments and decorate them.Write on Photos is a simple application that allows you to addtext to images for frames Frame memories of life with beautifullines!You can write citations in photosEdit the pictures you have in your phone gallery or pout and said'let me take a Selfie! .Share your funny pictures on Facebook, Twitter, orInstagram!
Canary Bird Sound 1.0
Canary Bird Sound you can access theirbeautiful songs with this free app. In Singing canaries you willlisten to a variety of bird songs the most famous in the worldcanaries we find this type of bird in the countries of northernAfrica and Europe.Canaries are found wild in nature but also kept as domesticatedpets. These yellow or orange feathered songbirds pleasantly chirpand tweet musical melodies that will delight your earsCanaries are known for their beauty and their song. For hundred ofyears, canary has been a favorite pet among bird keepers.Features:*You can choose a song as default ringtone of the phone , messageor alarm and this from the list of ringing tones . sweet canariessinging top canneries oiseaux*You can play the sound from the playlist with a single click ofbutton.* Play, stop, shuffle or repeat the sound.*It is FREEDon't forget to rate us if you like this app!
أخبار ونتائج الكووورة العالمية 1.0
تطبيق أخبار ونتائج الكووورة العالمية هو تطبيقخاص بالاخبار والأهداف والتحليلات والجداول والنتائج الحية لاكثرالدوريات العالمية اثارة. متعة واثارة لا تنتهي، التطبيق متخصص في كرةالقدم العالمية يوفر لك العديد من الخدمات المهمة مثل ( الاخباراليومية الدقيقة للرياضة العالمية ، نتائج المباريات والجداولللبطولات الساخنة ، معلومات عن اللاعبين ، البوم صور خاص باللاعبين ،الاهداف اليومية للبطولات الكبيرة ، وغيرها من الخدمات الممتعة ) .التطبيق هدفه توفير المعلومة بشكل جميل وسريع مهما اختلفت تلكالمعلومة وتبدلت طبيعتها .من بين الدوريات التي نغطيها : الدوري الاسباني، الانجليزي،الايطالي، الالماني، الفرنسي وقريبا سنضيف بعض الدوريات عربية.اما الفرق التي نتابعها اول باول فهي : ريال مدريد، برشلونة،مانشستر يونايتد، مان سيتي، تشيلسي، ارسنال، ليفربول، ميلان، انتر،جوفنتوس، روما،بايرن ميونخ، بروسيا دورتموند و باريس سان جيرمان و قريبا سنضيف فرقعربية.نتمنى ان يعجبكم التطبيقو لا تبخلوا علينا بالادلاء بريكمNews application andresults of global Alkoworh is a special news and objectives,analyzes, tables and live results of the application of the mostexciting World Leagues. Fun and exciting never-ending, applicationspecialist in international football gives you many importantservices, such as (the daily news minute global sport, matchresults and tables for hot Championships, information about theplayers, Album Private Photo players, the daily goals of largetournaments, and other interesting services) .Application aim to provide information beautifully and fast,whatever that information and the changed nature.Among the leagues cover: La Liga, the English, Italian, German,French and soon we will add some Arab periodicals.The teams that are pursuing first Powell are: Real Madrid,Barcelona, ​​Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal,Liverpool, AC Milan, Inter, Juventus, Roma,Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund and Paris Saint-Germain and soonwe will be adding an Arab teams.We hope that the application of WondersAnd do not give us cast Pericm
صوت الكناري لجميل بدون أنترنيت 1.2.1
صوت الكناري لجميل بدون أنترنيتتطبيق مجاني يعمل بدون نت وهو من بين تطبيقات أصوات الحيوانلت والطيورالجميلة يضم مكتبة رائعة من أصوات عصفور كناري.صوت طائر الكناري الطائر المعروف بتغريدات جميلة ورائعة تهدئ النفس وتريح الاعصابإن كنت من محبي الطيور وبالخصوص عصافير الكناري أو لذيك أحد طيورالكناري وتريد تعليمه التغريد فهذا التطبيق صوف يعجبكيحتوي تطبيق أصوات عصافير الكناري على مجموعة من مقاطع لعصافيرالكناري و هي تنشد أحلى أغانيها و تغريداتها.يمكنك إستخدامها على شكل رنات للهاتف أو على شكل منبه كما بمكنكتحميل ومشاركة صوت عصفور الكناري مع أصدقائك عن طريق الفيسبوكوالوتسابان اعجبكم التطبيق لا تنسوا تقييمنا كي نواصل امتاعكم بكل ماهوجيدCanary voice to beautifulwithout access to the Internet Free application works without a net of between applicationsAlehioanlt sounds beautiful and wonderful birds includes a libraryof sounds canary.The sound of a bird Canary bird known as a beautiful and wonderfulBngredat calms the soul and soothes nervesIf you are a fan of birds, particularly birds canary or a Vekcanaries and you want to teach this Twitter application like woolVoices application Canary birds on a set of clips for birds andcanaries are seeking the sweetest songs and Ngredatha contain.You can use it in the form of rings of the phone or in the formof alarm as Bmkink upload and share voice canary with your friendsvia Facebook and AlotsabThat pleases you. Do not forget our assessment of the applicationin order to continue with what is good Amtaekm
تغيير الصوت عند المحادثة 2016 1.2.1
تطبيق تغيير الصوت عند المحادثة 2016بدون أنترنيت العديد من المؤثرات الصوتية المضحكة والجميلة لتغييرصوتك!تستطيع من خلال تطبيق مغير الصوت تغيير صوتك الى العديد منالأصوتتغيير الصوت تطبيق جد رائع ومميز لجميع الفئات اطفال و كبار فهو يقومبتغيير الصوت و تقليد الاصوات الاخرى .فمن خلاله يمكن ان تغير صوتك الى طفل صغير او رجل كبير او شبح اوحيوان او تقلد احد الاصوات التي تريد ان تمزح معها .بتغير صوتك إلى مجموعة من الاصوات كبعض الحيوانات و الحشرات والسنجابو القط و الفيل و الوحش و اشياء اخرئسيغنيك عن جميع برامج تعديل الصوت هو تطبيق يمكنك من تحويل صوتك إلىعدة أصوات مختلفة ومضحكة, التطبيق سهل الاستخدام و غير معقد طريقةالعمل في خطوتين فقط .و من خلال المميزات التي يعرضها لك برنامج تغييرالصوت عند المحادثة-اختيار من العديد من الؤثرات الصوتية- سهولة الاستخدام فقط اضغط على صورة الميكرفون وابدأ تسجيلصوتك-اختيار من العديد من الخلفيات الصوتيةيعمل بدون انترنتبدل صوتك و اضحك مع الجميعذو غرافيك جيد-امكانية حفظ الصوت بعد تغييره-زر استماع-امكانية مشاركة الصوت عبر الرسائل والايميل والفيس بوك والبلوتوثوغيرها-امكانية ضبط الصوت مباشرة كنغمة لجوالك-امكانية التسجيل بصوتك الطبيعي بدون مؤثراتThe application of soundchange when Conversation 2016Without access to the Internet many of the sound effectsridiculous and beautiful to change your voice! Through theapplication of AV Voice Changer change your voice to manyAlosotSound application of very wonderful and special for all childrenand senior categories change is to change the sound and thetradition of other voices.Through you can change your voice to a small child or a big man ora ghost or animal or mimic a voice that you want to be kidding withher.Change your voice to a group of the vote, as some animals andinsects, squirrel and cat and elephant and the Beast and thingsAkhariSagnek all sound adjustment programs is the application enables youto convert your voice to several different and funny voices, theapplication is easy to use and uncomplicated way of working in twosteps. And only through the features offered by you to change thesound when the conversation program-achtaar Of several audio Alatherat- Easy to use just click on the picture of the microphone and startrecording your voice-achtaar Of several audio backgroundsIt works without InternetInstead of your voice and laugh with everyoneWith good graphicsRemember -amkanah sound after change-zr Listen-amkanah Sound share messages and email and Facebook and Bluetoothand other-amkanah Sound directly adjust the tone for your mobile phone-amkanah Date natural voice without effects
Apprendre à dessiner Facile 1.2.1
Apprendre à dessiner Facile est uneapplication gratuite qui va vous apprendre à dessiner  deschoses différentes étape par étape pour découvrir comment dessinertoutes sortes d'animaux,fleur,voiture,femme,apprendre à dessineranime Manga … et de construire leurs compétences et leur confiancedans le processus, plus ils sont juste bon amusement!. Vous n'avezpas besoin de compétences particulières, c'estl'auto-apprentissage.En quelques étapes simples vous permettent d'effectuer des dessinsfantastiques, juste prendre un papier et un crayon, choisissez ledessine que vous aimez et suivez les instructions étape par étape.Il est très facile à utiliser.Apprendre à dessiner Facile Tout simple et intuitif à utiliser,même un petit enfant . Donner un essai à votre enfant et vous neserez pas en mesure de prendre le téléphone .Les enfants et leurs parents auront des heures de plaisir aveccette application mobile .Nous allons ajouter de plus en plus des leçons de dessin à cettedemande tout le temps alors assurez-vous de revenir souvent pourvoir ce qui est nouveau.Learn to draw Easy is afree application that will teach you to draw different things stepby step to learn how to draw all kinds of animals, flower, car,wife, learn to draw anime ... Manga and build their skills andconfidence in the process, the more they are just good fun !. Youdo not need special skills, is self-learning.In a few simple steps, you can make fantastic drawings, just take apen and paper, choose the shape you like and follow theinstructions step by step. It is very easy to use.Learn to draw Easy Any simple and intuitive to use, even a smallchild. Give a try to your child and you will not be able to takethe phone.Children and their parents will have hours of fun with this mobileapplication.We will add more drawing lessons that demand all the time so makesure to come back often to see what's new.
أصوات طائر الحسّون 1.2.1
تطبيق أصوات طائر الحسّون بدون أنترنيت الجميليحتوي على أجمل أصوات طائر الحسون مجموعة من ألحان و تغريدات و أصواتعصافير الحسّون يمكنك إستخدامها على شكل رنات للهاتف أو على شكل منبهكما بمكنك تحميل ومشاركة صوت عصفور الحسّون مع أصدقائك عن طريقالفيسبوك والوتسابإن كنت من محبي الطيور وبالخصوص عصافير الحسّون أو لذيك أحد طيورالحسّون وتريد تعليمه التغريد فهذا التطبيق صوف يعجبككما يحتوي هذا تطبيق عاى أصوات عصافير الحسّون على مجموعة من مقاطعلعصافير الحسّون و هي تنشد أحلى أغانيها و تغريداتهاأصوات طائر الحسّون بدون نت المعروف باسمJilgueroاوChardonneretاوGoldfinchتطبيق أصوات طائر الحسّون بدون أنترنيت سهل الاستعمال و ممتعجداVoices applicationgoldfinch beautiful without access to the Internet contain the mostbeautiful voices goldfinch set of melodies and Tweets and voices ofbirds Hassoun You can use it in the form of rings of the phone orin the form of alarm as Bmkink upload and share the sound of birdgoldfinch with your friends via Facebook and AlotsabIf you are a fan of birds, particularly birds goldfinch or a Vekgoldfinches and want to teach this Twitter application likewoolThis application also contains Ai Voices birds goldfinch on a setof clips for birds Hassoun and is seeking the sweetest songs andNgredathaVoices goldfinch without known as the NetJilguero orChardonneretorGoldfinchVoices application goldfinch without access to the Internet easy touse and very enjoyable
Wifi Walkie Talkie pro 1.2.1
Wifi Walkie Talkie pro you can transfer yourvoice data to all devices that are on the same network or to anydevice you know its IP address.features:- Audio Streaming on all devices.-Both of users should install this app.-Users should be in the same WIFI zone.-Keep pressing the middle of the screen if you want to speak.(Do not release your finger)- Just release your finger from the screen if you want to stoptalking..- Multi Audio Cast on devices that are on including IP address youhave chosen.- Unicast address that will get audio only for one device.- Touch to talk or just tap Talkie.- Free to use.Wifi Walkie Talkie pro is a Push-to-Talk application that lets youtalk for free over wireless networks.
Waterfall Photo Frames Collage 1.2.1
Waterfall Photo Frames Collage With this photoeditor you will now be able to embed your photos in Stylish andlovely collection of waterfall photo frames to decorate your photoswith ability to Add Text best color effects free (allows you torecolor your photos and apply various color effects to them), andmake them more appealing.Beauty of the Waterfall Photo Frame app can be a part of yourpics now! Just Select any photo from gallery or take a pictureusing camera and embed the photo of your choice into beautifulwaterfall photo framesHow to Frame your photos with Waterfall Photo FramesCollage:*Select one of the Waterfalls frames*Chose the Photo you want to include the Waterfalls Frame* Add Text on.* Save the Frames to your Photo Gallery.*Quickly effects with only a tap * Multiple sharing ways: Facebook, Twitter and many more.Waterfall Photo Frames Collage free app
حماية و مضاد سرقة الهاتف 3.0
تطبيق حماية و مضاد سرقة الهاتف مجاني 100 % ويعمل بدون أنترنيت من افضل التطبيقات التي تعطيك انذار عند لمسه منطرف أي شخص و هذا الانذار لا يمكن ايقافه الا باذنك. فقط أقفل الهاتفو من يلمسه بعد الوقت الذي قمت بتحديده سوف ينطلق الانذارلايقاف الانذار كل ما عليك فعله هو الدخول الى التطبيق و الضغط على زرالتشغيل و سيتم ايقاف فورا.! سوف يساعدك على الحفاظ على الهاتفك من العبث عن طريق ينذر بالخطر فيأي وقت أي شخص يحاول التقاط الهاتف.•طريقة بسيطة جدا لإضافة المزيد من الأمن إلى جهازك لا تلمسهاتفيمزايا التطبيق :- مجاني 100 % و يعمل بدون أنترنيت.- يمكنك اختيار شكل الانذار ان أردته أن يكون عبارة عن رنة فقط أواهتزاز فقط أو رنة و اهتزاز معا.- يمكنك اختيار وقت محدد لتشغيل التطبيق و ايقافه بوضع التطبيق أنيشتغل بعد 10 ثواني من إقفال الهاتف و بد ذلك يعمل الانذار و أي شخصيلمسه سيصدر الانذار رنة لا يمكن توقيفها الا باذنك أنت.تحديد مدة لايقاف البرنامج .- يمكن بفضل هذا التطبيق الحد من سرقة الهاتف الجوال.• يعمل في خلفية الهاتف ولا يسبب اي ثقل في الجهاز .لاتنسوا تقييم التطبيق وترك اقتراحتكم ..Application protectionand anti-theft Free Phone 100% working without access to theInternet and one of the best applications that give you a warningwhen touched by anyone and the alarm can not be stopped unless yourpermission. Only closed the phone and touch him after the time thatyou specified will be launched alarmTo stop the alarm all you have to do is log into the applicationand press the play button and will be shut immediately.! It will help you to maintain Alhatvk of tampering by an alarmingat any time anyone tries to pick up the phone.• a very simple way to add more security to your device do nottouch my phoneAdvantages of the application:- 100% Free and works without access to the Internet.- You can choose the form of alarm that I wanted him to be a beepor vibration only just beep or vibration and together.- You can select a specific time to run the application and stoppedthe development of the application that runs 10 seconds after theclosure of the phone and it must alarm works and anyone touched bywarning will be issued ringtone can not be stopped, but you yourpermission.Determining the duration of the program to stop.- Thanks to this extent of the theft of a mobile phoneapplication.• Works in the background of your phone does not cause any weighton the device.Do not forget to assess the application and leave the Aqtraankm..
Changer arrière plan de photos 1.0
Changer arrière plan de photos applicationpour changer Fond des Photo et des images. vous pouvez l’utiliserfacilement pour changer L’arrière-plan des Photos et très vites àpartir de vos images existantes.Est un éditeur de photo et collage puissant spécialementdévelopper  pour vous de créer des photos étonnantes decollage, des autocollants, des arrière-plans, texte avec mise enpage et les cadres.Caractéristiques:- sélectionner, couper et coller une image pour créer une nouvellePhots, comme les photos de famille dans laquelle personne estabsente et vous voulez d’ajouter.- Changer le réflexion-coloré pour les images.-Un éditeur complet photo inclus!-Effets et filtres photo étonnants-Cette application étonnante vous permet d'effacer votre photo ouson arrière-plan , ou les deux , ce qui rend transparente- Retirez l’arrière plan de la photo pour tout type d'image, desorte que vous pouvez remplacer et changer avec une image que voussouhaitez.Ajouter émoticônes à vos photos avec des sourires et des souriresEmojis et mots-clés populaires.- Ajouter du texte au fond de photo comme le titre avec toutes lescouleurs-vous pouvez partager votre création dans les médias sociaux(Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter ..)-Publier des photos entières à Instagram, faire des photos carréssans rogner et redimensionner photos pour les adapter Instagram.Pour utiliser l’application Changer l’arrière-plan desPhotos Sélectionnez une photo de la galerie ou sur un nouveau.Touchez le long de la zone de la photo que vous souhaitezeffacer.Tapez sur l'icône 'size' pour augmenter la largeurd’effacement.Appuyez sur «OK» et sélectionnez votre arrière-plan favori.Utilisation de l'option opacité augmenter / diminuer legarantissant la transparence de la photo. Enregistrez la photoChange the backgroundpictures app to change the background picture and images. you canuse it easily to change the background and very vites Photos fromyour existing images.Is a photo editor and powerful collage specially developed for youto create amazing photo collage, stickers, backgrounds, text withlayout and frames.Characteristics:- Select, cut and paste an image to create a new phots as familyphotos where person is absent and you want to add.- Change-colored reflection for images.-A Complete picture editor included!-Effects And amazing photographic filters-This Amazing application allows you to erase your picture or hisbackground, or both, which makes transparent- Remove the background of the photo to any type of image, so thatyou can replace and change with a picture you want.Add emoticons to your photos with smiles and Emojis and popularkeywords smiles.- Add text to the photo background as the title with all thecolors-you can share your creation in social media (Facebook, WhatsApp,Twitter ..)-Post Entire Instagram photos, make squares crop and resize photoswithout photos to fit Instagram.To use the application Change the background PhotosSelect a photo gallery or a new one. Tap along the area of ​​the photo you want to delete. Tap the icon 'size' to increase the width of erasure.Press "OK" and select your favorite background.Using the Opacity option increase / decrease guaranteeing thetransparency of the photo. Save photo
Ping Pong Table Tennis 3D 1.0
Ping Pong Table Tennis 3D is a super fun sportto practice with pals . To sharpen your reflexes and your masteryof the game. Challenge the best Ping Pong players and become theworld champion!*Challenging Opponents make this the Best Table Tennis game forAndroid! Swipe your finger to hit the ball, it feels like playingreal table tennis game!* Intuitive touch screen controls to control your game of pingpong*table tennis action comes to your Android device.Ping Pong Table Tennis 3Dis a super fun sport to practice with pals. To sharpen yourreflexes and your mastery of the game. Challenge the best Ping Pongplayers and Become the world champion!* Challenging Opponents make this the Best Table Tennis game forAndroid! Swipe your finger to hit the ball, it feels like playingreal table tennis game!* Intuitive touch screen controls to control your game of pingpong* Table Tennis Action comes to your Android device.
تغيير خلفية الصورة بإحترافية 1.2.1
هل ترغب في تغيير أو إزالة صورة الخلفية الخاصةبك. مع هدا التطبيق تغيير خلفية الصورة يمكنك تعديل أو حذف الصورالخلفية الخاصة بك مع بعض بيئات مثيرة مأخوذة من معرض أو كاميراالهاتف الخاص بك بسهولة و يسريمكنك من حذف خلفية صورك و إضافات خليفيات أخرى كخلفية برج خليفة أوبرج باريس و ساحة أمريكا أو أشياء من هذا القبيلبكل سهولة و بسرعة ضع نفسك في أي مكان تريده**** انه تطبيق من أحد التطبيقات الهواتف الذكية. و هو تطبيق بدونأنترنت**** سهولة الاستخدام****خيار التسجيل على بطاقة SD .****امكانية النشر على الفايسبوك picasa او التويتر.**** يمكنك تغيير بسهولة وكفاءة من بعد.**** بمجرد الانتهاء من حذف الغير الضروري وعندما تنتهي من حذفالخلفية قم باختيار صورة خلفية من اختياركDo you want to change orremove the background image of your own. Hedda with the applicationto change the background image, you can modify or delete your ownbackground images with some taken from the gallery or your cameraphone easily pleased and exciting environmentsYou can delete the background of your photos and other extrasKhalifaat background Burj Khalifa tower or Paris and America Squareor things like thatEasily and quickly put yourself anywhere you want**** That application of a smart phone applications. And is theapplication without Internet**** Ease of use**** Date on the SD card option.**** The possibility of publishing it on Facebook picasa ortwitter.**** You can easily change and efficiency of after.**** Once you delete non-essential and when you are finished todelete the background Select the background image of yourchoice
Rooster Sound Free 1.2.1
Rooster Sound free app you can access to thebest collections of chicken rooster crow ringtones and sounds foryou to choose. Both educational and fun, there's lots to discoverwith this amazing app full of rooster soundsFeatures of Rooster Sounds and Ringtones:*You can choose a song as default ringtone of the phone- Set it as notification sound- Set it as default alarm sound- Play, stop, shuffle or repeat the sound.- Can share it with your friends or family members through WeChat,WhatsApp, Facebook, BeeTalk, Google+ and more.- All the sound effect included in the album are from the highquality stereo MP3 formatDon't forget to rate us if you like this app!Have fun with Free Rooster Sounds and Ringtones. Don't forget torate us if you like this app!
Horse Sound and Ringtone free 1.2.1
Horse Sound and Ringtone free app that allowsyou to enjoy the Wonderful Sounds of horses without Internet,Hearreal horses neighing and more.This free app is perfect for anyone who loves horses and themany noises they makethere are an ancient relationship existed between horses andhumans,They have hold an important role which often depicted in thehuman war's history.Features :- You can play the sound from the playlist with a single click ofbutton.- Set it as ringtones- Set it as notification sound- Set it as default alarm sound- Play, stop, shuffle or repeat the sound.- Can share it with your friends or family members through WeChat,WhatsApp, Facebook, BeeTalk, Google+ and more.- All the sound effect included in the album are from the highquality stereo MP3 format.Horse Sound and Ringtone app includes the following sounds:- Whinny- Snorting- Grunting- Walking- Trotting- NeighingWith Horse Sounds and Ringtone Get the real audio recordings ofhorses in the wild out in nature.Don't forget to rate us if you like this app!
WordBrain Puzzles 1.0
WordBrain Puzzles is a Word Puzzle GameExtremely addictive, totally Free, no in-apps! Just play and enjoy!it's a game for real geniuses words! At first it is easy, but getschallenging quickly. Find the words, slide your finger and see thepuzzle burst. Do things in the right order and you will completethe grid .You just have drag your finger over and combine letters in the wordpad to guess the word.** It is a real challenge to complete all the levels in thisgame.** Easy to use with colorful nice graphics!** Wordbrain puzzles offers lot of levels, from easy todifficult!** Beautifully designed! its Simple and Easy!If you like word search, word find puzzles and crossword puzzlesyou will like our latest brain workout, wordbrain puzzles!** Share your score on Facebook twitter and more!
Wordbrain - Parole Cerveau 1.2.1
Wordbrain - Parole Cerveau est un jeu depuzzle Extrêmement addictif, totalement gratuit , Il suffit dejouer et profiter ! il est un jeu pour les vrais génies de mots !Au début, il est facile, mais se défiant rapidement. Trouver lesmots, faites glisser votre doigt et de voir l'éclatement de puzzle.Faire les choses dans le bon ordre et vous pourrez compléter lagrille.** Il est un véritable défi pour terminer tous les niveaux dansce jeu.** Facile à utiliser avec de jolis graphismes colorés !** Wordbrain - Parole Cerveau offre beaucoup de niveaux, de facileà difficile !** Magnifiquement conçu ! est simple et facile !If you like word search, word find puzzles and crossword puzzlesyou will like our latest brain workout, Wordbrain - Parole Cerveau!** Share your score on Facebook twitter and more!Wordbrain - Word Brain isan extremely addictive puzzle game, totally free, Just play andenjoy! it is a game for real geniuses words! At first it is easy,but distrusting quickly. Find the words, slide your finger and seethe puzzle burst. Doing things in the right order and you willcomplete the grid.** It is a real challenge to complete all the levels in thegame.** Easy to use with nice colorful graphics! ** Wordbrain - Word Brain provides many levels, from easy todifficult!** Beautifully designed! is simple and easy!If you like word search, word find puzzles and crossword puzzlesWill you like our latest brain workout, Wordbrain - WordBrain!** Share your score on Facebook twitter and more!
Garden Photo Frames wallpaper 1.2.1
Garden Photo Frames wallpaper With this photoeditor you will now be able to embed your photos in Stylish andlovely collection of waterfall photo frames to decorate your photoswith ability to Add Text best color effects free (allows you torecolor your photos and apply various color effects to them), andmake them more appealing, beautify all the fantastic moments inyour life and make you never forget them.FEATURES• Easy to use.• Capture Photo from Camera .• Different background with different Photo frames• Photo Color EffectsHOW IT WORKS Garden Photo Frames wallpaper:* Select image for edit from device gallery or capture usingcamera* Choose frame from list* Set photo in frame* Apply photo effect* Add Text on.* You can save your photo with frame to your SD card in highquality.* Share photos and greetings with your friends via socialnetworks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Picasa, G+*you can use like wallpaper for your mobile.*Totally FREE 100%,* This free app is totally offlineGarden Photo Frames are very beautiful in looking and it give ourphotos a very beautiful touch.
Holiday Photo Frames 2016 1.2.1
Design your own Holiday moments with HolidayPhoto Frames 2016 and make your Holiday and Vacation photo's reallypop!We carry a nice selection of holiday photo frames with populardesignsFEATURES:
*  Easy to collage and make a art photo
* Selecta picture or a selfie from the gallery and use this Holiday PhotoFrames 2016* Capture a new image with your camera and apply a cool photo frameto it!* Add Text on.* Quickly effects with only a tap * Share photos and greetings with your friends via social networks:Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Picasa, G+, Email, SMS, Zalo…* You can save your photo with frame to your SD card in highquality.* Rotate, scale, zoom in, zoom out or drag the photo to fit theframe as you like!* Totally FREE 100%.* enjoy Cadres photo de vacances* supports both phones and tablets.
Enregistreur des conversations 1.2.1
Enregistreur des conversations est uneapplication gratuit pour enregistrement d'appel avec cette app vouspouvez Enregistrez tous les appels que vous souhaitez et choisissezceux que vous souhaitez conserver et de gérer facilement toutes vosconversations téléphoniques..- Activer / Désactiver l'enregistrement des appels.- Enregistrez automatiquement vos conversations pendantl'appel.- Lecture / Arrêt audio enregistré par simple toucher sur lafonction.- Supprimer l'historique d'appels et les journaux- Verrouiller le(s) enregistrement(s) et d'empêcherl'auto-nettoyage des enregistrements.- Réécoutez vos conversations ou enregistrez-les au format 3gp etmpeg4 MP4 sur votre carte SD.-Enregistre tous les appels entrants et sortants-boîte de réception simple de gérer tous vos appels-Gérez votre liste d'enregistrement des appels-C'est GRATUIT !Recorder conversations isa free call recording application with this app you can Save allthe calls you want and choose the ones you want to keep and easilymanage all your telephone conversations ..- Enable / Disable recording calls.- Automatically Save your conversations during the call.- Play / Stop audio recorded by the touch of the function.- Delete history of calls and newspapers- Lock (s) recording (s) and prevent recordings ofself-cleaning.- Play back your conversations or save them in 3gp format and MPEG4MP4 on your SD card.-Records All incoming and outgoing callsSimple Catch -box manage your calls-Gérez Your call recording list-It's free !
AppLock Theme Fire 1.1
AppLock Theme Fire Serrure Protect YourPrivacy for Super AppLock for android! 1) AppLock: lock apps you have installed 2) Lock recent apps: more security 3) Lock Photo: important photos stored in safe vault4) Lock Video: View secret videos in safe vault5) Beautiful theme6) Protects applications using a password or pattern7) Automatic locking in point8) 3 type of lock: child lock privacy lock and application lock
أطعمة سحرية لبناء العضلات قوية 1.2.1
أطعمة سحرية لبناء العضلات قويةبدون أنترنيتتطبيق مجاني يحتوي على مجموعة من الاطعمة التي تساعد في تحفيز و تعزيزبناء العضلات و كمال الاجسام ودلك للكمية و النوعية الممتازة للبروتينفيهالبناء العضلات التي تحلم بها لابد وأن تتبع نظاما غذائيا خاصا يحتويعلى السعرات الحرارية والبروتينات والدون الصحية الكافية لبناء عضلاتقوية بطريقة صحيحةإن بناء العضلات في الجسم هو أمر لا يهم فقط الرجال الباحثين عن القوةوالمظهر البارز لعضلات جسمهم بل هو أمر يهم الجميع بما فيهم النساءوالأطفال، لأن الجسم يجب أن يخسر الدهون المتراكمة به ويزيد الكتلةالعضلية ليتمكن من الحفاظ على صحته ودرء مخاطر الدهون والسمنة التيتحدث الكثير من المخاطر له.تناول بعض الأطعمة التي تساعد وتزيد من كتلة العضلات وحجمها على حسبدهون الجسم، لأن الرياضة وحدها غير كافية! بل لا بد من اتباع نظامغذائي يحتوي على الخيارات الغذائية الصحيحة لأن الأطعمة التي يتمتتناولها في وجبات الطعام والوجبات الخفيفة و الأطعمة التي يتمتناولها على الفور بعد التدريبات الرياضية لها تأثير كبير على كيفيةبناء العضلات في الجسم.لذلك لبناء العضلات وفقدان الدهون يجب أن يتم اتباع خطة لنظام غذائي،ويجب أن يشمل النظام الغذائي الأطعمة التي تحتوي على البروتينوالكربوهيدرات الصحية والدهون الصحية والمواد المغذية الأخرى التييحتاجها الجسم؛ لبناء العضلات وهي المغنيسيوم والبوتاسيوم والنحاسوالسيلينيوم والكالسيوم والحديد والفيتامينات المختلفة.كما يحتوي ايضا على مجموعة من أفضل الأغذية من أجل نمو العضلات بشكلسريع وصحي حتى تحصل على الجسد الذي طالما حلمت بهMagical foods to buildstrong musclesWithout access to the InternetFree application that contains a variety of foods that help tostimulate and promote muscle building and bodybuilding and kneadfor quantity and excellent quality of the proteinTo build the muscles of your dreams must follow a special dietcontaining calories and proteins Don adequate health and to buildstrong muscles properlyThe building muscle in the body is it does not matter allresearchers men for strength and appearance leading to the musclesof their body, but it is a matter for everyone, including women andchildren, because the body must lose accumulated by fat andincrease muscle mass to be able to maintain his health and ward offfat and obesity that occurs risk a lot of risk to him.Eating certain foods that help increase muscle mass and sizedepending on body fat, because the sport alone is not sufficient!It does not even need to diet contains the correct food choicesbecause the foods that are dealt with in meals and snacks and foodsthat are eaten immediately after sports exercises a great influenceon how to build muscles in the body.So to build muscle and lose fat should be to follow the plan todiet, you should diet includes foods that contain protein health,carbohydrates and healthy fats and other nutrients needed by thebody; to build muscle which magnesium, potassium, copper, selenium,calcium, iron and various vitamins.It also contains a collection of the best food for muscle growth isfast and healthy until you get to the body, which has long dreamedof
Glitter Photo Frames HD 1.2.1
Glitter Photo Frames HD With This free photoediting you can instantly beautify your photos with mind blowingglitter effects, that will make your pictures shine bright likediamonds.FEATURES:*  Easy to collage and make a art photo* Select a picture or a selfie from the gallery and use thisGlitter Photo Frames hd* Capture a new image with your camera and apply a cool photo frameto it!*Add Text on.*Quickly effects with only a tap *Share photos and greetings with your friends via social networks:Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Picasa, G+, Email, SMS, Zalo…* You can save your photo with frame to your SD card in highquality.* Rotate, scale, zoom in, zoom out or drag the photo to fit theframe as you like!*Totally FREE 100%.Frame your special moments with your favourite glitter framesand brag about those awesome photos with your friends. Decorateyour selfies, wedding pictures, photos of your loved ones with aweinspiring glitter photo frames.This is a real photo art so download these fantastic camera photoeffects and have fun!Enjoy with this free app and please give us your suggestion.
Sun Rise Wallpaper 2016 Free 1.1
Sun Rise wallpaper 2016 free app includessomeof the beautiful sunrise wallpapers that were collected foryouallows you to go on romantic walks along the beach from theoceanand feel the gentle caress sunlight your face no matter whereyouare. It mixes between Rise and shine to a beautifulmorning.There may be nothing more relaxing than to watch the rays ofthesunrise burst out on the great horizon. To some, it somehowhelpsthem to start their day filled with energy and inspiration.Forothers, it may give them new hope to start up their daywith.Whatever it is, it’s just really nice to see a beautiful sceneofsunrise each time we wake up.It would like to give readers a head start in takingbeautifulphotos of the sun that are worth framing or sharing withfriendsand family.* Best collection of sun rise Backgrounds.*The best collection of sunrise wallpapers.* User can easily share and set wallpaper.Please give rate, comment and encourage us, we will upload morefreeapplication and games...
Green Hill Photo Frames free 1.2.1
Green Hill Photo Frames free with thisphotoeditor you will now be able to embed your photos in Stylishandlovely collection of Green Hill Photo Frames to decorateyourphotos with ability to Add Text best color effects free (allowsyouto recolor your photos and apply various color effects tothem),and make them more appealingWith Green Hill Photo Frames free Create beautiful andlovelypictures of loved ones, children, family friends withmultiplenatural frames and easily share on any platform.. FEATURES:*  Easy to collage and make a art photo* Select a picture or a selfie from the gallery and use thisGreenHill Photo frame*Add Text on.*Quickly effects with only a tap *Share photos and greetings with your friends via socialnetworks:Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Picasa, G+, Email, SMS,Zalo…* You can save your photo with frame to your SD card inhighquality.*Totally FREE 100%, NO SMSEnjoy Green Hill photo frames free app and please give usyoursuggestion.
Sakura Photo Frames HD 1.2.1
By using this Sakura Photo Frames HD appyoucan select any photo from gallery or take a picture usingcameraand beautify your pics with delightful Cherry Blossom effectswithyour friends and loved ones. By looking your edited picturestheothers may think how you have enjoyed the lets you add mesmerizing flower frames to your favouritephotos,and Decorate your memories, selfies, wedding photos,special photos,& photos of your loved ones with flower framesand spread thesmile..Sakura is Cherry Blossom Traditions in Japan!!! Cherry blossomsarea symbolic flower of the spring, a time of renewal, andthefleeting nature of life. During this season in Japan, peopleliketo have cherry blossom parties with colleagues, friends,andfamily.FEATURES:*  Easy to collage and make a art photo* Select a picture or a selfie from the gallery and use thisSakuraPhoto Frames HD* Capture a new image with your camera and apply a cool photoframeto it!*Add Text on.*Quickly effects with only a tap *Share photos and greetings with your friends via socialnetworks:Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Picasa, G+, Email, SMS,Zalo…* You can save your photo with frame to your SD card inhighquality.* Rotate, scale, zoom in, zoom out or drag the photo to fittheframe as you like!*Totally FREE 100%.*Sakura Photo Frames HD application supports both phonesandtablets.Enjoy watching your photos in these magnificent HD SakuraPhotoFlower Frames!
Text on Pictures and Photos 1.0
Text on Pictures and Photos is asimpleapplication that allows you to add text to images.application through you write name or message on your photowithdifferent style of font also different color of text ormore.You select your photo from gallery or camera and writedifferentmessage on your photo and make your image to awesome.* Select image from gallery or camera* Add text like your name, your girlfriend name, boyfriend nameorany message* Edit text size, color and style* Adjust the text position on your selected photoText color and stroke width is variable.* Save the image and enjoy with sharing this image overwhatsapp,facebook ,etc
Cadres Photo & Retouche Photo 1.2.1
Cadres Photo & Retouche Photo withthisphoto editor you will now be able to embed your photos inStylishand lovely collection of nature garden sunsert and waterfallphotoframes to decorate your photos with ability to Add Text bestcoloreffects free (allows you to recolor your photos and applyvariouscolor effects to them), and make them more appealing.Create beautiful and lovely pictures of loved ones,children,family friends with multiple natural frames and easilyshare on anyplatform.. Cadres Photo & Retouche Photo app can be a part of yourpicsnow! Just Select any photo from gallery or take apictureusing camera and embed the photo of your choice intobeautifulphoto framesHow to Frame your photos:*Select one of the Waterfalls frames*Chose the Photo you want to include the Waterfalls Frame* Add Text on.* Save the Frames to your Photo Gallery.*Quickly effects with only a tap *You can save your photo with frame to your SD card inhighquality.* Multiple sharing ways: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Picasaandmany more.Cadres Photo & Retouche Photo Totally FREE 100%,
Girly Wallpapers Pink 1.2.1
Girly Wallpapers Pink free app hasuniqueselection of beautiful, cute, and quality images toproperlydecorate your android device. You can browse the galleryfull withsweet and cute stuff and choose your favorite picture toset asbeautiful and cool girly wallpapers.*Set images as wallpaper*No need to download images from internet* Best collection of sun rise Backgrounds.* User can easily share and set wallpaper.* No internet connectivity is requiredPurple is the color of good judgment. It is the color ofpeopleseeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surroundyourselfwith purple you will have peace of mind.Pink has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as wellasromance and royalty.With so many backgrounds to choose from, you can even pick a newoneto match your outfit, or your mood, each day!Please give rate,comment and encourage us, we will upload morefreeapplication and games...Enjoy it
Insta Mirror Photo Effects 1.2.1
Insta Mirror Photo Effects free applicationforAndroid allows you to apply effects to your photos mirror. Youcancreate them from left to right, up, down, create highlightsandrepeat several times with this photo editing application youcancreate mirror photo with cool filters. ★ Create mirror photo from gallery or camera.★ Drag the photo to adjust the position of photo.★ Photo Editor - Tens of fancy filters to beautify your photos,justfor mirror effects! Drag & Drop / Zoom in & Zoom Outtoselected photo, the mirror photo will be changed.★High resolution, high quality output.★ Easy to share - Share the photo on Instagram,Twitter,FacebookInsta Mirror Photo Effects can help you create a mirror photoormirror image as soon as possible, and provide tens mirrortemplate,you will find funny clone effect you can think!
Cadres pour toutes le saisons 1.2.1
Avec Cadres pour toutes le saisons Negaspillezpas votre argent sur ​​les photographes professionnelsqui vaajouter des effets spéciaux à vos photos pour les rendrebeau,lactosérum, vous pouvez encore mieux faire parvous-même.C'est lemeilleur app de retouche photo qui va faire tousvos photos frais etnouveau. Choisissez votre saison préférée del'année et habiller vosphotos dans les plus beaux cadres de laphoto avec une variété decadres magnifiquement conçus disponiblespour compléter les photoscapturées de vos moments inoubliables.Comment ajouter des cadres à vos images avec Cadres pourtoutesles saisons :* Sélectionnez l'un des cadres* Choisissez la photo que vous souhaitez inclure lecadreCascades* Ajouter du texte.* Enregistrez les images dans votre galerie de photos.* Effets rapidement* Vous pouvez enregistrer votre photo avec cadre sur votre carteSDà haute qualité.* Multiples façons partage: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Picasaetplus.Sauvegardez vos photos et selfies de l'oubli et devenirunprofessionnel photo d'art avec Cadres pour toutes le saisons!With Frames for alltheseasons Do not waste your money on professional photographerswhowill add special effects to your photos to make thembeautiful,whey, you can do better by you même.C'est the best appphotoediting that will make all your photos fresh and new. Chooseyourfavorite season of the year and dress your most beautifulpicturesin the photo frames with a variety of beautifully designedframesavailable to complete captured photos of yourunforgettablemoments.How to add frames to your photos with frames forallseasons:* Select one of the frames* Choose the picture you want to include theCascadesframework* Add Text.* Save images to your photo gallery.* Effects quick* You can save your picture with a frame on your high qualitySDcard.* Multiple sharing ways: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Picasaandmore.Save your photos and selfies from oblivion and becomeaprofessional with art picture frames and for all seasons!
Waterfall Photo Frames Cascade 1.2.1
Waterfall Photo Frames Cascade With thisphotoeditor you will now be able to embed your photos in Stylishandlovely collection of waterfall photo frames (Cascade Cadres)todecorate your photos with ability to Add Text best coloreffectsfree (allows you to recolor your photos and apply variouscoloreffects to them), and make them more appealing.How to Frame your photos with Waterfall Photo Frames cascade:*Select one of the Waterfalls frames*Chose the Photo you want to include the Waterfalls Frame* Add Text on.* Save the Frames to your Photo Gallery.*Quickly effects with only a tap * Multiple sharing ways: Facebook, Twitter and many more.Beauty of the Waterfall Photo Frames cascade app can be a partofyour pics now! Just Select any photo from gallery or takeapicture using camera and embed the photo of your choiceintobeautiful waterfall photo frames
Broken Screen & Crack Screen 1.2.1
Broken Screen & Crack Screen prank Abettercrack screen effect for breaking your mobile phone screenand shockfriends.  You can make jokes with your friends andhave greatfun by making them think they just broke your phonedisplay. It isworth seeing their faces.Everyone will fall for thisrealisticcracked screen effect.Fantastic laugh joke that will make more than one ofyourfriends, click the application icon and give the phone to oneofyour friends when prompted, touch the screen started to breakintopieces of crystals With crystals crunching sound when you touchthescreen. Prank your friends and family with this easy touseapp.Features:*Crack Screen: just touch screen!*Even can hear the breaking noise. So you can be morerealistic.Shock your friends with realistic looking screen injuries andnervewrecking cracking soundsThis app offers you the most realistic looking images ofcracked,broken screens and displays.WARNING:this is a prank app for fun, enjoy it with your best friends.It will not crack the screen really.
Green Hill wallpaper 1.2.1
Green Hill wallpaper free app give to youbestcollection of Green Hill Photo and many beautifull naturewallpaperto decorate your android device so you can use it for sethomescreen wallpaper, main screen wallpaper,..FEATURES:*Set images as wallpaper*No need to download images from internet* Best collection of Green Hill and nature Backgrounds.* User can easily share and set wallpaper.* No internet connectivity is required* Totally FREE 100%,Enjoy Green Hill wallpaper and please give us your suggestion.
Détendez pluie Sons Relaxants 1.2.1
Détendez pluie Sons Relaxants gratuitsansinternet Idéal pour se détendre, sommeil, méditer, seconcentrer ousi vous avez des problèmes avec acouphènes.Aide votre corps à se détendre - Avec votre tempête sonne,votrecorps doit être capable de se détendre afin de trouverlesommeil.Avec Détendez pluie Sons Relaxants vous feront vivre unvoyageémotionnel fabuleux dans une atmosphère magique. Utilisez lessonsde la nature qui font partie des sons relaxants et Relax andSleepavec votre téléphone à côté de vous.Caractéristiques du Détendez pluie Sons Relaxants:* Vous pouvez choisir une chanson comme sonnerie par défautdutéléphone- Définir comme notification sonore- Définir comme sonnerie d'alarme par défaut- Jouez , arrêtez , aléatoire ou répéter le son .- Pouvez le partager avec vos amis ou membres de la familleàtravers WeChat , WhatsApp , Facebook , BeeTalk , Google+ etplusencore.- Tout l'effet sonore est inclus dans l'album sont du formatMP3stéréo de haute qualitéNe pas oublier de nous évaluer si vous aimez cette appgratuite!Relax Rain SoundsFreerelaxers without internet Ideal to relax, sleep, meditate,focus orif you have problems with tinnitus.Help your body to relax - With your storm sounds, your bodyshouldbe able to relax to sleep.Relax with rain Sons relaxers will make you live awonderfulemotional journey in a magical atmosphere. Use the soundsof naturethat are part of relaxing sounds and Relax and Sleep withyourphone beside you.Features of rain Relax Relaxing Sounds: * You can choose a song as default ringtone of thephone- Set as notification sound- Set as default alarm tone- Play, stop, or repeat random sound. - Can share it with your friends or family membersthroughWeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook, BeeTalk, Google+ and more.- All the sound effect is included in the album are of highqualitystereo MP3 Format Do not forget to evaluate us if you like this free app!
تجسس على واتس ااب Prank 2.0
تجسس على واتس ااب Prankتطبيق خاص للتجسس على محادتات و صور و فيديوهات الواتس ابتطبيق التجسس على الواتس ٱب Prank سوف يساعدك علي التجسس علي رسائلومكلامات وأيضا التجسس على الواتس اب ،بنعني اخر سوف تستطبيع التجسس علي اي رقم هاتف للجوال أو الواتساببهادا التطبيق الرائع فقط كل ما عليك فعله هوا ادخال الرقم الديتريدالتجسس عليه وأيضا يمكنك روئية كامرات التجسس الدي هيامعالتطبيق.عند فتح التطبيق سوف تري مكان لوضع الرقم الواتس اب او الرقمالهاتفبعد ادخاله وبعد تواني قليية انتضر وسوف يبهرك .مميزات التطبيق :★ كيف التجسس على الهواتف★ التجسس على هاتف اخر★ التجسس على الهواتف★ برنامج التجسس على الهواتف★ كامرات التجسس★ التجسس على الواتس اب★ This Application Just a Prank★ برنامج التجسس على الواتس اب★ tajasos telephone★ sari9at hatif٫ شكرا على تحميل التطبيقو لا تنسو تقييم التطبيق بخمس نجومSpy on WattsCAPPrankSpecial application to spy on Mhadtat and photos and videosAlwatsAugustApplication of spying on Alwats ٱb Prank will help you to spyonmessages and Mclamat and also spy on Alwats August,Benana else will Tsttabie spy on any mobile phone number orAlwatsAugust Bahada wonderful application just all you have to doHuainsert my father figure you want to spy upon and also youcanvisualize the Kamrat spying my parents come withtheapplication.When you open the application you will see a place to put afigureAlwats August or phone number after being admitted and aftertheLithuanian Kulaiah Antdhar will dazzle.Application features:★ How to spy on phones★ spy on another phone★ spy on phones★ spy on phone software★ Kamrat espionage★ spy on August Alwats★ This Application Just a Prank★ spyware program on August Alwats★ tajasos telephone★ sari9at hatif. Thank you for downloading the applicationTansu application and does not assess the five-star
تهكير الألعاب (حقيقي) Prank 1.2
تهكير الألعاب حقيقي Prankالكل مهتم بلألعاب و طريقة تهكيرها . فمعظم الناس تعبوا لكييقوموبإنهاء كل للألعب دون أي تعب .تطبيق تهكير لألعاب سيمكنك من خدعة اصدقائك و جعلهم يظنون انكتقومبعملية تهكير للألعاب المشهورة وتوهمهم انك تعرف كل طرق لكيتقومبتهكير لألعاب بسرعة و بعضهم سيثق بك و يجعلك خبير .مميزات التطبيق :سعته خفيفةدو غرافيك و خلفية جيدةلا تنسوا تقييم التطبيق ب 5 نجوماتمنى لكم الاستفادة و المتعةملحوظةThis Application Just a PrankHack realgamesPrankAll interested Bloab and Thecerha way. Most people are tiredIcomoto terminate all of the play without any fatigue.Application hack games will allow you to trick your friends andmakethem think you are in the process of hack games Tohmanm famousandyou know all the ways to play games Pthecar quickly and some ofthemwill trust you and makes you an expert.Application features:Capacity lightDu graphics and a good backgroundDo not forget the practical application of 5-star RatingI hope you take advantage and pleasureNBThis Application Just a Prank